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How to prepare your finances for retirement
 The Ultimate Guide for 2022:Retirement Planning:

The average American spends nearly half his or her lifetime working. But what happens once we retire? Do we still work? Or do we enjoy our golden years?

Today's retirees don't necessarily need the same financial resources as those who retired decades earlier. They're living longer, healthier lives, and they've learned how to manage their finances better. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median retirement age is now 62.1 years old.

But while today's retirees aren't necessarily looking forward to retiring, it doesn't mean they shouldn't start preparing for it sooner rather than later. After all, there's no reason why you can't continue to contribute to your 401(k), IRA, or other savings accounts during retirement. And even though you won't be earning income, you'll want to make sure you're contributing enough to your retirement accounts to ensure that you have enough money to live comfortably.

So what exactly does retirement look like? How much money do people spend each month? What kinds of things do they buy? And how can you prepare for retirement? We asked experts for their advice on retirement planning. Here's what they had to say.
How much do you need to save for retirement?

Retirement planning should include both short-term and long-term goals. You must consider what you want to accomplish during your career and beyond. And it’s important to think about how inflation affects your finances.

Inflation is expected to increase dramatically over the next few decades. So you need to plan and ensure you have enough money to live comfortably throughout retirement.

A financial planner can help you figure out how much you need to set aside each month. They can also help you determine whether you are saving enough to meet your goals.
How to start saving for retirement

The average American spends about $3,500 per year on groceries. If you want to retire early, it might help to cut down on those expenses. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

1. Shop around. You don't have to buy everything at one store. Look for deals online, in local stores, and grocery stores. Some stores offer discounts during certain times of the week. For example, Whole Foods offers weekly specials on produce.

2. Get organized. Keep track of what you spend. Use a spreadsheet or a budget app like Mint to keep tabs on where your money goes. This way, you'll know how much you need to save and whether you're spending too much.

3. Set up automatic payments. Many banks now let you set up automatic bill pay. Just make sure you don't forget to cancel the service.

4. Pay yourself first. Put away 10% of every paycheck into savings. Then, put another 5% toward paying off debt.

5. Automate your investments. Investing doesn't have to be complicated. With apps like Betterment, you can invest small amounts automatically.

6. Save for big purchases. You won't have to worry about blowing your entire nest egg on a single purchase if you plan. Instead, build up a stash over time.
How to invest for retirement

Today, many people choose to allot assets into different buckets based on risk tolerance and investment horizon – whether a long-term goal like buying a home or a short-term one like saving for college tuition. But there are several options available for investors looking to diversify their portfolio. Here are some things to remember when choosing where to put money.
Create your retirement plan

Retirement planning is important. You don't want to retire without having enough to live comfortably. But it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are four simple steps to help you create a retirement plan.

1. Save Money

The best way to save money is to start early. If you're 25 now, you'll have 30 more years to build wealth. Start contributing 10% of your income today.

2. Invest Wisely

Investing isn't just about buying stocks. You can invest in bonds, real estate, precious metals, and even cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify.

3. Stay Healthy

You've heard the saying, "you're what you eat." Well, you're also what you drink. Ensure you get adequate sleep, eat nutritious food, and exercise regularly.
How to Financially Prepare for Retirement
Planning will help you achieve long-term financial security throughout retirement. There are three main phases to retirement: preretirement, retirement, and post-retirement. You can start planning now for each phase of your life.

Pre-Retirement Phase

This is where most people begin their journey into retirement. This is also the best time to save money because it allows you to build up savings over many years. If you plan properly, you can use your savings to supplement your income during retirement.

During Retirement Phase

The second phase of retirement begins once you reach age 65. During this phase, you will likely continue working part-time while spending more time relaxing. In addition to saving money, you can take advantage of tax breaks and government programs designed to help retirees.

Post-Retirement Phase

After reaching age 70, you enter the third and final phase of retirement. During this stage, you will no longer receive Social Security benefits. However, you can still work part-time if you wish. You can also draw upon your investments to generate additional income.
How Much Should I Save for Retirement?

It might seem like a great idea if you're thinking about retiring early. But there are some things you need to consider before making such a big decision. One of those factors is how much you'll need to save each month once you stop working.

The average American worker needs $1 million saved over 40 years to reach financial independence. If you start saving now, you could retire earlier than expected. However, if you wait too long, you'll spend more than you planned.

Many experts say that most Americans won't reach their goal without spending more than $2 million annually. So, how do you figure out what you need to save? Here are three ways to estimate how much you should save every month.

#1 - Calculate Your Monthly Expenses

First, determine how much you spend each month. You can use online calculators to find this information quickly. For example, you can use Bankrate's "Retirement Planning Calculator." Enter your current salary into the calculator, and it will show you how much you need to save each month from achieving your goals.

You can also calculate your monthly expenses yourself. Start by taking a look at your budget. Then add up everything you spend each month. Next, subtract your total income from your total expenses. Finally, divide the difference by 12 months. This gives you your monthly savings target.

For example, let's say you make $50,000 per year, and you live in San Francisco. You have $4,000 in credit card debt, $3,500 in student loan payments, and $5,000 in rent. After adding up your monthly expenses, you come up with $7,700. Subtracting your annual income ($50,000) from your monthly expenses leaves you with a negative balance of $7,700. Divide that amount by 12 months, and you'll see that you need to save $588 each month to meet your retirement goals.